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Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk III
DIY, Tech DP DIY, Tech DP

Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk III

My ‘mini’ network rack isn’t so mini anymore. Since living with the rack in its previous configuration for about a year, there are a few things that bother me about it. Here, I set out to tackle them in what was a quicker-than-expected rebuild of the network rack.

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Small Shop Improvements (2023.2)

Small Shop Improvements (2023.2)

In this dust-collection update, I wanted collate a few of the improvements I’ve made to the shop in an effort to reduce the amount of time spent cleaning up. I tackle this from two fronts: collecting more dust at the source and an since there will always be some dust that escapes - making that dust easier to clean up.

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Build Log: Drill Rack Mk II

Build Log: Drill Rack Mk II

I was running into the capacity limit of my previous drill rack, so this was a great opportunity to build a new drill rack. This was also a great way to use up some extra material I had kicking around.

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Product Spotlight: Retractable Power Reel

Product Spotlight: Retractable Power Reel

I was looking for a retractable power reel for the shop with one specific criteria: to be able to mount the reel on a flat surface (like a shelf) and not have it flop around. With a bit of annoyance and DIY, I was able to find/retrofit a reel to suit my needs.

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Build Log: Dog Bed Stand

Build Log: Dog Bed Stand

A quick turbo project to make a raised bed [stand] for the dog bed - this elevates him so he can stare out the window in sheer panic and anxiety without bothering me about it. From a project perspective this is great: it’s a quick turbo project and it uses up scraps.

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Build Log: Mega Planters

Build Log: Mega Planters

A raised garden bed/planter/box is just a glorified rectangle right? If it’s built for the outdoors, using outdoor lumber and we don’t expect fine woodworking joinery, how long could it possibly take to build?

In my case, almost six months it seems. YouTube timelapses lie. Read on to see how I put this together and maybe why it took so long.

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Kitchen DP Kitchen DP


I have a love hate relationship with sourdough. Freshly made, warm sourdough is wonderful but for a non-baker, it also represents a ton of work, prep and uncertainty — it’s over a day before I know if all that hard work came out right or not.

That being said, it’s pretty awesome when it does come together. I’ve been slowly trying to collate my notes and document the steps and conditions and I think I’ve got to a ‘checkpoint’ where I can bake a somewhat predictable loaf.

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Product Spotlight: Car Phone Mount

Product Spotlight: Car Phone Mount

Using your smartphone for music and navigation is a no-brainer, but getting it properly (and conveniently!) mounted in the car is needlessly complicated. I finally got tired of trying to make ‘universal’ mounts work and went for vehicle-specific mounts from ProClip.

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Cheesy Ciabatta Buns
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Cheesy Ciabatta Buns

I went down the rabbit hole of making cheese ciabatta buns and then all the wonderful sandwiches that can follow. For me, I found ciabatta to be far less stressful and far more repeatable than something like sourdough. And ciabatta sandwiches definitely are a lunchtime highlight for me!

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Build Log: Self-Watering Planters

Build Log: Self-Watering Planters

We’ve tried growing things outdoors in the past, but we’re just not very good at consistently watering them. To address this, I wanted to use self-watering planters but store-bought self-watering planters are expensive and not only that, they are usually small table-top sized and/or have tiny water reservoirs.

I wanted a planter that I could put a thirsty plant out in the all-day summer and only have to water once every week or two. Oh and I wanted it to be relatively cheap.

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Build Log: Grow Station

Build Log: Grow Station

We’re looking to grow some vegetables and herbs this year and I had a stack of materials that I had reclaimed from previous projects that I had kicking around “just in case I use it one day” (it must be the woodworker’s creed). It just happened that I had nearly the perfect pieces lying around to make an indoor grow station.

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Build Log: DIY Truck Bed Divider (Improved!)

Build Log: DIY Truck Bed Divider (Improved!)

My first DIY truck bed divider did it’s job: it was easy to make, it hasn’t fallen apart and I can use it to reliably secure stuff in the bed to keep from sliding around.

So what’s not to like? It’s heavy, bulky and a huge pain to get in and out of the bed. Oh and sometimes my tonneau cover freezes over and if it happens to be in the bed at the time? Too bad, sucks to be me.

I’ve been building things for a bit now, let’s see if I can’t make something a bit nicer.

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Build Log: Drill Press Table, Part 1

Build Log: Drill Press Table, Part 1

Now that I’ve had a drill press for a little while and finally starting to make regular use of it, it’s probably a good idea to build a drill press table for it. In the long term, I knew that I would likely build something so that it would best suit my needs but for the short term? I waffled between buying something basic, sucking it up and buying something nice or bumping the priority up on building my own. While I did end up buying a drill press table, I quickly decided that this wasn’t the way…

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Small Shop Improvements (2023.1)

Small Shop Improvements (2023.1)

Now that I have a more permanent setup, I can finally put energy into tackling quirks and annoyances of my space. I’ve been chipping away at some small upgrades here and there to try and make the space more organized, cleaner, safer or just generally nicer.

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Easy Pumpkin Soup
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Easy Pumpkin Soup

A really tasty soup that pairs well with a lot of main courses but with an awesome secret: you can totally used canned pumpkin for this to make it super easy.

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Interim Skype Station Update
AV, Tech DP AV, Tech DP

Interim Skype Station Update

Skype Station has been an incredible success: high marks for usability, reliability and both image and audio quality. What it’s not great for? Being portable.

I’d like to look at a mobile-focused Skype station this year so I need to do a bit of a roundup to see if a specific camera I’m thinking of can live up to the bar set by Skype Station.

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New work laptop…
Tech DP Tech DP

New work laptop…

My work laptop was up for a refresh, and not soon enough — my previous laptop no longer wanted to communicate with the battery. For work, we typically use these laptops as if they were desktops — outside of meetings, they are docked to power, external monitors, keyboards, mice, network etc. so I’m going to look at this machine as if it was a desktop.

This laptop is also my first encounter with Windows 11, so that should be fun.

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Build Log: Mobile Tool Bases

Build Log: Mobile Tool Bases

Awhile back I bought a floor-standing drill-press which I mounted on a universal tool base. While the universal base was functional, I didn’t think it was a great fit for my top-heavy drill press as it always ungainly to move around.

I recently added a floor-standing bandsaw to my workshop which gave me a second chance at getting these larger tools on mobile bases.

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