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Build Log: Skype Desk

Build Log: Skype Desk

After wrapping up the LED slat wall project last week, I had switched Skype Station to using a temporary plastic desk. Building a permanent desk replacement was an urgent priority though since I could see the monitor arm clamps deform the desk more every day.

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Interim Skype Station Update
AV, Tech DP AV, Tech DP

Interim Skype Station Update

Skype Station has been an incredible success: high marks for usability, reliability and both image and audio quality. What it’s not great for? Being portable.

I’d like to look at a mobile-focused Skype station this year so I need to do a bit of a roundup to see if a specific camera I’m thinking of can live up to the bar set by Skype Station.

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A Dive into Security Cameras, Part 1
AV, Life DP AV, Life DP

A Dive into Security Cameras, Part 1

Security cameras can be different things to different people - for some, it’s a vehicle for peace of mind acting as a deterrent or aiding in a recovery. For others it’s just a tool for package delivery notifications.

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Guide: Video Encoding, Part 2 - Deep Dive

Guide: Video Encoding, Part 2 - Deep Dive

In the previous post, we laid the groundwork for how the encoding process comes together, This week we'll put all of that to use and dive into which codec and configuration might be best for long term archival. H264? H265? AV1? GPU? CPU? What settings?

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Guide: Video Encoding, Part 1 - The Basics

Guide: Video Encoding, Part 1 - The Basics

Every year, new cameras and phones come out, all promising to make it easier to capture sharper, brighter - better video. By far and large, manufacturers have delivered on this promise to make it easier to capture high quality video - anyone can pull out a smartphone and start rolling 4K footage. The downside is that all of this incredible footage has to go somewhere! This post lays the groundwork around video encoding before I can talk about ways to make your limited storage space go further.

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Guide: Getting Better Video Calls
AV, Tech DP AV, Tech DP

Guide: Getting Better Video Calls

Building Skype Station was the easy part - getting value out of the equipment takes a bit more trial and error. In this post, I talk about three common mistakes holding your video call or streaming setup back.

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Build Log: Skype Station
Tech, AV, DIY DP Tech, AV, DIY DP

Build Log: Skype Station

Like many people working remotely, my wife needed to be able to have video calls. We settled on using a part of a spare room to be converted into a dedicated video-call space. In this build log, I focus a bit more on the equipment that make this a possibility.

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