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Stream Deck - USB-C connectivity
Tech DP Tech DP

Stream Deck - USB-C connectivity

The Corsair/Elgato Stream Deck Mk 2 has some peculiar behavior when you try and connect to it using USB-C. Initially I thought that I had wired up my keystones incorrectly, or my USB-C ports were on acting up. Nope — it’s the Stream Deck.

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Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk II
DIY, Tech DP DIY, Tech DP

Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk II

I built my original wall-desk almost five years ago and after using it for that time, there are a small handful of things I’d like to fix and improve upon. This is more of a retrofit that builds upon the existing setup — no need to ‘reinvent the wall’ so to speak.

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Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk III
DIY, Tech DP DIY, Tech DP

Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk III

My ‘mini’ network rack isn’t so mini anymore. Since living with the rack in its previous configuration for about a year, there are a few things that bother me about it. Here, I set out to tackle them in what was a quicker-than-expected rebuild of the network rack.

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Interim Skype Station Update
AV, Tech DP AV, Tech DP

Interim Skype Station Update

Skype Station has been an incredible success: high marks for usability, reliability and both image and audio quality. What it’s not great for? Being portable.

I’d like to look at a mobile-focused Skype station this year so I need to do a bit of a roundup to see if a specific camera I’m thinking of can live up to the bar set by Skype Station.

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New work laptop…
Tech DP Tech DP

New work laptop…

My work laptop was up for a refresh, and not soon enough — my previous laptop no longer wanted to communicate with the battery. For work, we typically use these laptops as if they were desktops — outside of meetings, they are docked to power, external monitors, keyboards, mice, network etc. so I’m going to look at this machine as if it was a desktop.

This laptop is also my first encounter with Windows 11, so that should be fun.

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Security Audit
Tech DP Tech DP

Security Audit

Over the year-end break, I moved my password manager away from LastPass. I didn’t move for security reasons but more so for usability issues and the security issues were purely an unfortunate coincidence. I used this transition as an opportunity to do a full audit of the credentials and I stumbled across some fun (read: annoying) discoveries.

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Fixing Synology ‘Untrusted Certificate’
Tech DP Tech DP

Fixing Synology ‘Untrusted Certificate’

For the last few years now, every time I log into the management portal for my NAS, I have to click through the annoying ‘this page is untrusted’ warnings from Chrome. Enough is enough, I finally set aside some time to fix this.

Most of the guides online seem to be built around getting LetsEncrypt hooked up (which I don’t want) or they were written with DSM6 in mind…

Sadly, DSM7+ removed the ability to easily generate a self-signed cert so I had to do it ‘the long way’

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Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.4)
Tech DP Tech DP

Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.4)

In an earlier installment, I tackled “what if the ISP goes down?” and in this update, I tackle the question “what if the power goes out?” We have a UPS to catch the network for short blips, but what about extended outages? I wanted to get a way to maintain multi-hour uptime without a lot of infrastructure rework/expense all while keeping it super easy to implement.

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Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.3)
Tech DP Tech DP

Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.3)

In the last installment, I tackled redundancy and made preparations for getting the final bits of networking laid down. In this update: the last of the cable has been laid down and all of the major pieces of equipment are in place, so I can take a bit of time to finally give some attention to improving the day-to-day usability of the network.

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A smartwatch as a notification relay
Tech DP Tech DP

A smartwatch as a notification relay

The snappiness of my new phone was a bit out of place with the sluggishness of my old smartwatch so I set out to ‘just take a look’ at what options are on the market. Just looking at the headline features of almost every smartwatch out there, you’d think the user-base consists entirely of olympians and/or sleep-apnea patients. Thankfully my needs are a bit simpler: just reliably relay notifications to my watch.

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A New Phone Adventure
Tech DP Tech DP

A New Phone Adventure

I’ve been planning on a phone upgrade in the next year or so but my wife had the misfortune of breaking her phone recently. This was a perfect excuse to push that schedule up a bit sooner. It was a bit of an adventure picking out a new phone and then dealing with the various challenges in getting the phone into what I would consider a ‘usable’ state.

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Data Loss
Tech DP Tech DP

Data Loss

Two is one and one is none, right? Or at least that’s the mantra of preparedness as I understand it. Recently, I had the fun opportunity to have multiple component hardware failures. Now that I’m back up and running, this makes for a good time to take a closer look at my backup strategy and how I can improve it.

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Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.2)
Tech DP Tech DP

Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.2)

I made the transition from consumer-centric networking gear to a more purpose-built setup a few months ago and there's nothing quite like living with a setup to highlight all the little fixes, tweaks and upgrades that you'd like to implement. And there definitely been a whole bunch of changes, both visible and behind the scenes and I think we're at a stable enough 'milestone' that I think I can recap where the journey has taken me.

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Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk II
Tech, DIY DP Tech, DIY DP

Build Log: Mini Network Rack Mk II

With all of the incremental upgrades to my network, I felt it was time to finally revisit the network rack that I had outgrown. Doubling the capacity from a 6U to a 12U should give me a bit more breathing room for all the stuff I need to jam in there and rebuilding the enclosure/stand will give me an opportunity to address a few of the shortcomings and quirks of the original design that I’ve learned over the years.

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Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.1)
Tech DP Tech DP

Upgrading my Networking Gear (2022.1)

I had always intended to make the switch away from consumer-grade networking gear but like all things, there’s ‘never a convenient time’ to up-end your setup. For me, it was IoT devices that was the driving force to finally revisit my networking plans.

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A Somewhat Smart Home
Tech DP Tech DP

A Somewhat Smart Home

Over the last few years, upgrading to a ‘smart home’ has been all the rage. The typical party-trick automation is pretty cool but in practice, tends to come up a bit short. Perhaps looking at something a bit less ‘smart’ can make for a more effective system.

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Integrating Work-Laptops into a High-Performance Flow
Tech DP Tech DP

Integrating Work-Laptops into a High-Performance Flow

Working from home can be a wonderful thing if you have a totally dialed-in workspace but one of the biggest gotchas is that, (generally), at some point -- you're going to have to use a sorry excuse of a computer to get stuff done. Some work machines are better than others, but so, so, soooooo many are mobility focused paper weights.

I took a non-standard approach to integrating the work machine into my flow and because of this, I had to come with some creative workarounds for challenges around meetings and such that popped up.

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Guide: Getting Better Video Calls
AV, Tech DP AV, Tech DP

Guide: Getting Better Video Calls

Building Skype Station was the easy part - getting value out of the equipment takes a bit more trial and error. In this post, I talk about three common mistakes holding your video call or streaming setup back.

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