A digital outlet to talk about everything: projects, recipes, guides and reviews are just a start.
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Buying a House, Part 3
So I’ve been low-key planning for ‘the big move’ for the last few years. Now that we’ve got the house sorted out, it’s time to see how all of the planning and preparation comes into play when moving day comes!

A Dive into Security Cameras, Part 1
Security cameras can be different things to different people - for some, it’s a vehicle for peace of mind acting as a deterrent or aiding in a recovery. For others it’s just a tool for package delivery notifications.

Buying a House, Part 2
In general, insurance isn’t a fun process for anyone - it’s a necessary evil that we all need to have. But we can certainly look at it from a more data-centric perspective.

Keeping Inventory
Maintaining a home (or business) inventory can be as simple as a yearly walkthrough with a camera or an involved process that involves barcodes and NFC tags or in my case, somewhere in between - but definitely leaning on overkill.

Buying a House, Part 1
So we got our first house and this means it’s an awesome opportunity to do data collection on the process and experience as a whole. This is a fun new chapter that should synergize well with all my other hobbies!