
A digital outlet to talk about everything: projects, recipes, guides and reviews are just a start.

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Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.2)
Tech DP Tech DP

Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.2)

Running a Pi-Hole at home gives me network-wide ad/malware blocking, but what about when I’m not at home? I use NextDNS as a two-pronged solution — but there’s a bit of hoop jumping to transition between the two. If only there was a way to automate this….

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Shiitake Miso Ramen
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Shiitake Miso Ramen

This ramen dish is rich, filling and hits you with umami — perfect for a cold winter night. The best part of ramen is just how much play you can have with toppings, add-ons, additional seasonings etc. This is my first stab at documenting a quick weeknight ramen: let it be a starting point to experiment!

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Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.1)
Tech DP Tech DP

Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.1)

Over the last couple years, I’ve taken the effort to get my network into a more structured and organized state.

The next step in this ongoing process is to assess the various cloud services I’m already using consider the potential benefits of moving them to my own local infrastructure.

And comically, all of this started because I wanted to save $5.

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Peach Mousse
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Peach Mousse

A peach mousse is s a fairly easy dessert that is awesome to make because it can be made way in advance and you have quite a bit of variety in how you garnish it.

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Toasted Wonton Cups
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Toasted Wonton Cups

A super low-stress appetizer that is so easy to make, you can start it after the guests have arrived. There’s a contrast of colors, texture and a burst of flavor this appetizer is super scalable — you can make them 6, 8 (or more!) at a time — you’re only limited by your muffin tray

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Lemon Posset
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Lemon Posset

This dessert is so much win: it’s super easy to make, can be done way in advance and almost certainly guaranteed to be a winner.

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Duck Confit
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Duck Confit

With a 30-40 hour cook time, duck confit is definitely my longest “in advance” dish I’ve made. And it’s 100% worth it.

Thankfully, I have a vaccuum-sealer and sous-vide setup so this is actually a very low-effort dish to make.

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Shiitake Risotto
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Shiitake Risotto

This is a fun accompaniment to make but unlike most things I make, there’s not a whole lot you can do in advance. While not hard by any means, the biggest takeaway here is to give this dish your full attention.

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Fondant Potatoes
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Fondant Potatoes

This side is super low-stress to make and most of the prep can be done well in advance. Nominally, you leave this in the oven for 1-hour but you could very comfortably leave it in there for 2-hours — you only really have to check the oven every so often to make sure the stock hasn’t boiled off.

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Cauliflower Chowder
Kitchen DP Kitchen DP

Cauliflower Chowder

Cauliflower chower is a nice soup that takes heat/spice well, is super easy to make, doesn’t require any fancy ingredients and can largely be made in advance.

And as much as I like a clam-chowder, I really enjoy that this is something different.

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Build Log: Bed Enhancements

Build Log: Bed Enhancements

I built a custom king bedframe a few years ago and overall, it’s been great. Recently, we got a robovac specifically dedicated for the upstairs and I wanted to do some work to try and ‘get stuff off the ground’ so that I could blindly schedule the robovac without doing any tidy up beforehand. This was a good opportunity to tackle a few small improvements to the bed.

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Build Log: Pressure washer cart rebuild

Build Log: Pressure washer cart rebuild

I've had a cheap pressure washer for a long time and the thing that bothers me the most about it is the chassis/cart. I finally got around to rebuilding the cart to be something much less frustrating to use.

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Build Log: Coffee (and Tea!)  Bar

Build Log: Coffee (and Tea!) Bar

We have a ‘drink station’ in our kitchen which is a repurposed DIY tool chest that I built a long time ago. It works - but it’s far from great. The biggest shortcoming is that the top surface sags because I didn’t better when I built it originally. We keep a toaster oven and a water boiler with 5L of water on the top: this isn’t enough sag to be dangerous but more so an annoyance. I’ve been wanting to rebuild this station for a little while now and finally decided to just do it.

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Stream Deck - USB-C connectivity
Tech DP Tech DP

Stream Deck - USB-C connectivity

The Corsair/Elgato Stream Deck Mk 2 has some peculiar behavior when you try and connect to it using USB-C. Initially I thought that I had wired up my keystones incorrectly, or my USB-C ports were on acting up. Nope — it’s the Stream Deck.

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Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk II
DIY, Tech DP DIY, Tech DP

Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk II

I built my original wall-desk almost five years ago and after using it for that time, there are a small handful of things I’d like to fix and improve upon. This is more of a retrofit that builds upon the existing setup — no need to ‘reinvent the wall’ so to speak.

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Build Log: Skype Desk

Build Log: Skype Desk

After wrapping up the LED slat wall project last week, I had switched Skype Station to using a temporary plastic desk. Building a permanent desk replacement was an urgent priority though since I could see the monitor arm clamps deform the desk more every day.

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Build Log: LED Slat Wall

Build Log: LED Slat Wall

I wanted to give the backdrop for Skype Station a bit of a refresh to both add a bit of cool factor but also, to expand it’s coverage so that I would have a bit more flexibility in where I could place the camera and thus, define the [camera] framing. This was supposed to a be quick ‘weekend project’…

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Build Log: DIY Leveled-floor

Build Log: DIY Leveled-floor

Our office floor has a pretty substantial slope — on two axes — right where I sit. This is something that’s been bugging be since I got set up here, and I’m finally getting around to doing something about it.

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