Build Log: Dog Bed Stand
Whenever Nicole leaves the house (even if it’s back and forth to unload/load the car), our (incredibly needy) dog goes into a life-altering crisis mode - he has to watch the window like his life depends on it. I get it — he’s velcro’d to her (better her than me), but he exudes so much angst that it drives me bonkers (I’m usually in the kitchen, cooking). So we have a little rule: you wanna stare? That’s fine — you gotta lay down.
As is though, he’s too short to see over the window while laying down which then makes him more anxious and it’s a never ending cycle. So here, I’m going to make a raised platform for his bed so everyone wins: he can watch her in utter panic and he can lay down so his panic doesn’t bother me.
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Goals and objectives
I wanted to make a slightly elevated platform for the dog bed so that pooch can still see out the window when he’s laying down. He just exudes way too much anxious energy if he’s not laying down - very much a “OMG! WHERE YOU GO? WAI YOU LEAVE” vibe. By having a bit of a raised platform, it solves two problems:
He can still see out the window
For the person who’s still in the house (usually me — cooking), I don’t have to watch his dumb ass be super anxious
There’s a bonus that I can use the elevated platform to store some of his less-used toys.
I had previously threw together a very quick prototype using scraps in about 5 minutes and while it works, it was an eyesore for me, so now that I have some time, I can knock out a prettier one. Coming off the tail off the Mega Planter build, this should be a super easy project to knock out with scrap wood in about an hour.
Step 1 - Aaaaaand done
Not much to this:
Find some scrap plywood that fits the bed (with a bump-out so that we can clear the base-molding), glue, pin and screw it together
Make a simple drawer with glue and pocket holes
Attach drawer slides
Sand, stain and let dry

To help give the bed a bit more ‘grip’ we threw a silicone baking mat under there.
Quick and easy project - just the way I like it.
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