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Build Log: Skype Station
Tech, AV, DIY DP Tech, AV, DIY DP

Build Log: Skype Station

Like many people working remotely, my wife needed to be able to have video calls. We settled on using a part of a spare room to be converted into a dedicated video-call space. In this build log, I focus a bit more on the equipment that make this a possibility.

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Build Log: Wall-Desk for Nicole
Tech, DIY DP Tech, DIY DP

Build Log: Wall-Desk for Nicole

After building a custom wall-desk for myself, my wife wanted one too. Luckily, this was always part of the plan and the two wall-desks were meant to be built as a pair. Drawing on fresh experience and fewer docking requirements, this second wall-desk came together much more easily.

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Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk I
Tech, DIY DP Tech, DIY DP

Build Log: Wall-Desk Mk I

Laptops have docking stations allowing them to connect to permanently available infrastructure (monitors, speakers and the like) -- why not desktops? For a few years now I've considered the idea of building a custom wall or desk where I could 'dock' a PC tower. In this build log, I tackle my most-involved project ever, turning my desk into a docking station.

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