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Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.2)
Tech DP Tech DP

Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.2)

Running a Pi-Hole at home gives me network-wide ad/malware blocking, but what about when I’m not at home? I use NextDNS as a two-pronged solution — but there’s a bit of hoop jumping to transition between the two. If only there was a way to automate this….

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Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.1)
Tech DP Tech DP

Self-Hosted Diaries (2025.1)

Over the last couple years, I’ve taken the effort to get my network into a more structured and organized state.

The next step in this ongoing process is to assess the various cloud services I’m already using consider the potential benefits of moving them to my own local infrastructure.

And comically, all of this started because I wanted to save $5.

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